After a series of stories exposing the disturbing and unsafe practices of a number of cosmetic surgeons in Australia by the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, it seems that change is finally coming.

The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that state and federal ministers have struck major changes, banning doctors without suitable qualifications from using the title “surgeon.”

Until now, any doctor in Australia was able to call themselves a cosmetic surgeon without having undergone the extensive medical education and training to become an accredited surgeon. This is unlike the title plastic surgeon which is a recognised specialty in Australia. The reported changes mean that the title “surgeon” will only be able to be used by doctors who hold specialist registration in particular fields and who have the appropriate medical training.

The agreed reforms are an important step forward in protecting patients and increasing transparency when electing to undergo plastic surgery.

The full link to the Sydney Morning Herald article can be accessed here.

Get in touch with us

If you or anyone you know has suffered harm as a result of cosmetic surgery gone wrong, please contact our medical negligence team on 13 43 63.

At Turner Freeman, we have specialist medical negligence lawyers who will assess your case and provide personalised advice regarding your legal entitlements. Our medical negligence lawyers are located across NSW including in our offices in Sydney, Parramatta, WollongongNewcastle and Toronto.